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    by Published on 12-10-2010 10:02 AM  Number of Views: 4812 
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    Issue: Crystar #11
    Writer: Jo Duffy
    Artist: Ricardo Villamonte
    Date Published: February 1985
    Alpha Appearance: Northstar
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: Alpha Flight #s 5 & 6

    The final battle for the fate of Crystallium, the
    setting for this licensed title. Three Alphans get pulled into
    this world through a bizarre magical accident, to make sure good
    prevails, the planet is saved, and Kirk lives.


    Okay, I'm gonna move this issue back to before the JM / JP split. But I used to keep it between #s 16 and 17, so I'm reviewing it now.
    by Published on 12-02-2010 07:09 AM  Number of Views: 9285 
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    Issue: CHAOS WAR: ALPHA FLIGHT #1 (One Shot)
    Writer: JIM McCANN
    Cover: SALVA ESPIN
    Date Published: NOV 2010

    Welcome Back Alpha Flight To The Land of the Living – But At What Cost?

    The issue begins with a recap of what's happened thus far in CHAOS WAR, detailing how the Chaos King has destroyed the Dream Dimension by killing Nightmare, and thus plunging the living into Eternal Sleep. Next the Chaos King destroyed the Underwold; and as a consequence, some of the undead spirits have fled to the surface world; caught in a limbo between dreaming, living and death. Now the Chaos King seeks to destroy every pantheon that has ever existed. And this is where our story begins...
    by Published on 11-04-2010 06:32 PM  Number of Views: 2955 
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    Issue: Uncanny X-Men #528
    Writer: Matt Fraction
    Artist: Whilce Portacio
    Date Published: November 2010
    Alpha Appearance: Northstar
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: During several Alphans' tenure on Utopia Island (I keep this one with X-Men).

    Hope continues her search for the Five. Two have been revealed, but who is the missing Cylon?
    Um... I mean, mutant.


    The Uncanny X-Men was a great series, once. I remember when it was mostly about characters, about people and thier struggles. I feel like it's been a long time since they've been anything more than one battle after another.
    This one (and the one before) gets back to that, a bit.
    I'm glad about that.
    by Published on 11-01-2010 01:58 PM  Number of Views: 2419 
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    Issue: Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man
    Writer: Fred Van Lente
    Artist: Gurihiru
    Date Published: May 2009
    Alpha Appearance: Mac, Maddison Jeffries
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: I keep this one second in my Alpha collection, after Alpha Flight #-1 and before Wolverine #-1.

    A free comic book day special, giving an early early Wolverine story.
    Something has turned a Canadian town into machines; Mac takes Wolverine to the town to figure out what's going on.

    This is okay. It's not the best story, not the worst. There's a mystery set up, solvable if you know your Marvel history.
    The overrrun town feels not unlike a zombie movie, which adds to the whole thing; a deserted place where everyone you see is not quite themselves; though they at first seem to be dead dead, not walking dead.
    (It's not really a spoiler to say they're only mostly dead.)
    by Published on 10-12-2010 08:30 PM  Number of Views: 2463 
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    Issue: What The --?! #6
    Writer: various
    Artist: various
    Date Published: January 1989
    Alpha Appearance: Shaman, Sasquatch, and Vindicator (insert funny versions of their names here) - cover only
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: irrelevant; parody

    An old Marvel humour anthology:
    A take on Acts Of Vengeance, with very unsual villains facing Marvel characters - namely, DC villains.
    The Origin of The Pulveriser: Exactly what it says on the tin.
    Man-Thang vs. Swamp Thang: who made who? Who's back in black? Who shook me all night long?
    by Published on 03-14-2010 12:04 PM  Number of Views: 6361 
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    Issue: X Men Noir: Mark of Cain #4
    Writer: Fred Van Lente
    Artist: Dennis Calero
    Date Published: March 2010
    Alpha Appearance: Alternate version of Puck
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: N/A


    It all comes together. People are betrayed, friendships are affirmed, new characters are crawling out of the woodwork (literally).
    by Published on 03-06-2010 08:20 PM  Number of Views: 3390 
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    Issue: Doctor Voodoo #s 4 & 5
    Writer: Rick Remender
    Artist: Jefte Palo & Alessandro Vitti
    Date Published: March & April 2010
    Alpha Appearance: Talisman's cleavage
    Period in Alpha Flight's history: Current at time of publication

    The Unreal has taken over the world with a little help from Nightmare, Doctor Voodoo's brother, Daniel, is no longer a brother, having possessed Damon Hellstrom. All the mages in the world seem to have gone to Nightmare's side.
    Daniel must free his brother then the world from Nightmare's spell.

    by Published on 03-04-2010 02:01 PM  Number of Views: 6080 
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    Issue: Alpha Flight - Volume 3 #2
    You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me! Part 2 of 6
    Writer: Scott Lobdell
    Artist: Clayton Henry
    Cover: Clayton Henry, Mark Morales
    Date Published:
    June 2004


    This issue begins in the same place as the last issue. The perspective however is reversed. We are now able to see what the "New Alpha Flight" was able to see. The original members of Alpha Flight (Including Guardian, Vindicator, Snowbird, Shaman, Puck, and Earthmover) all encased in, and restrained by machinery.

    Again, like the first issue, the time line changes. We are now able to see the village of Yukon Jack. It seems he is the heir to the thrown of secret civilization of immortal beings. Yukotujakzurjimozoata is drugged by his father, who was paid off by Walter Langkowski. Yukon Jack is loaded onto Walter's plane.

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