It's bitter sweet.

So... I am a huge Adam-X fan (initially because he stomped Cable and X-Force in his first appearance), later as clues to the Shi'ar tie in came in (I love me some Shi'ar, especially Deathbird... Er... what was I saying? Oh yes!) So, after Fabian was dropped from X-Men, and after Adam-X got a few more appearances (in X-Force and Captain Marvel)... he vanished into the ether... much to my dismay. Then during the Dark Avengers storyline, he came back for a few appearances - mostly a mockery of himself (way, over the top dialogue, using swords, which he had never done, and doing away entirely with his costume, to a shirt and jeans)... and despite the utter mockery, I was still - somehow - happy to see him. Because it proved that he was a part of the Marvel Universe (despite the push years earlier to bury him). He appeared again (back in costumes) when Juggernaut was given the power of the Norse god of Fear or whatever - and was the only one able to actually cut Juggernaut (though it didn't help - made matters worse, really).

So it's a little like that... despite the slaughtered characterization... you're still kind of happy to see your characters you love being used... even if way out of character... It's like an abusive relationship. It hurts, but you still want more.