Issue #25

Making his way back to Toronto early the same morning, Thunder got the list of "illusionists" that Dr. Stone had promised him, but found it to be of little use.

Taking some time out to spend with Sue, Nathan learned that she had an appointment with a Ministry rep. on Monday and offered to drive her. She accepted the offer.

Over the rest of the weekend Thunder saved a good number of people who were stuck in a burning high rise, and also stopped a mugging. On Sunday night he was called to the scene of a massive explosion only to see the carnage disappear as he approached the scene. Then for a brief moment he thought he saw a very tall, lean and ghoulish figure standing in the street before it too vanished. Finally, as a baffled Thunder was about to depart he noticed an energy signature streaking across the sky towards him and soon found himself confronted by an enraged Powersurge, all dressed up in his old sky-blue costum. Without word or warning, the mutant attacked the hero. Thunder responded, expressing his belief that Powersurge was " ... in the custody of Department H or whatever?!?!", but his words fell on deaf ears. Soon enough however, Thunder struck the energy wielder a mighty blow that caused him to vanish.

With that, Thunder once again noticed the tall ghoulish figure standing just up the street. He had a familiar look to him, perhaps being one of the "illusionists" from the Doc's file, and Thunder immediately set after him. Following a brief chase, the villian was knocked to the ground, enabling Thunder to easily catch up to him. However, as he reached out for the ghoulish looking villian, he vanished, with a smirk, before Thunder's eyes.

Checking his file at the next available oppurtunity, Thunder found he was right. The illusionist had been included in the file. His name was Headlok. He had tangled with Alpha Flight not all that long ago and was taken into custody following that affair. According to all records, Headlok was still incarcerated somewhere in Canada.

On Monday, Nathan drove Sue to her meeting and learned soon after that a custody hearing would be held in a couple of weeks and until then Brent would be kept in the custody of the state. When Sue stormed over to the hospital, she found that Brent had already been moved and was no longer being kept there.