Well, besides that out of charatcter comment about Alpha Flight I couldn't be happier with "Uncanny X-Men" right now. Psylocke and Northstar are two of my favourite Marvel characters (next to Aurora and Snowbird) so having them re-join the team at the same time is very good news to me. I wonder what kind of interaction there will be between them.

I'm also happy to see them in an optimistic mood. Evey time we see Northstar and Aurora after they fall in limbo we see them trying to commit suicide, being chased by mosnters, their minds destroyed or brain-washed... For once, they are fine, working together and Northstar even in a relationship!

One question as I haven't read the issue. Is Aurora also asked to join the X-Men? If so, what is her decision?

And one last thing, could anyone post scans from the issue? I'm curious to see the twins drawn by the Dodson/Land. Thanks in advance