Quote Originally Posted by Dfense75
How is EVE Online? Dont know anyone thats playing it. But I have been looking for a good SciFi based MMO. I left WoW a few months ago and recently went back to SWG. Yeah its not what it once was(not even close really). But its Star Wars. Warhammer visually looks alot like WoW in what little I have seen. Although it does sound like Warhammer will have a very nice PvP system. Let me know what you think of Warhammer as you continue to test it.
Eve is fun. Been playing it for a few years now, on and off. It is very laid back as there is almost no grind to the game. Skill train while you are offline. Warhammer is quite fun and yes it looks like WoW. Though the reason for that is because WoW looks like WarHammer. Games Workshop, the makers of WarHammer, sued Blizzard after Starcraft for copyright issues and won. Warhammer has been around for 25 years now.

The PVP is going to be very cool in the game, and the classes/races in WAR will be much more complex and less template than WoW. The visuals are much nicer IMO, and your character will look much less like a clown-warrior in multicolored armor.