Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Rider View Post
From one newbie to another, I bid thy...welcome.

I though of that as well that there were the others that didn't go on that mission. But as they said in OF the others were underqualified, not interested or just moved on. Most of the remaining AFers were not very popular and I don't think they'd be very successful in starting up the series again. AF suffer the same symptons as Excalibur, they are a novelty, heros in Canada, heros in England, when the novelty wears off they axe it.
I'm reading the Winter Guard mini and the writer has stated there is a possibility of an ongoing. I would like to think there is more of a fanbase for Alpha than the Winter Guard but here were are with many of the WG characters that are derivatives of the originals.

But to inquire about your point, do you think CB & MI 13 failed because of the characters, writing, or basic premise? On paper, it sounded like a hot team with Captain Britain, Pete Wisdom and later, Blade but I found the writing too British, if that makes sense.