So, I am looking to start up my own website. Right from the start, with purchasing my domain name, and going on from there.

Anybody qualified to help (or just have an opinion, no matter how wrong? lol)?

I'm looking for somewhere to host my website, somewhere that won't cost me a ridiculous amount of dollars, but that still gives me some essential services. Also, I either need to buy a cheap editor (cheap in expense, not in quality) to design my own site (which i have never really done before, so that route could be 'interesting'), or I need my host to offer services for design as well. I am looking of something not TOO simplistic in a website, yet not to hard to keep up with and understand, either.

I have heard rumours that, after owning your own domain name, choosing a host is the next most important part of the process. Apparently there are a lot of fly-by-night companies out there, and although they sound good, if the company folds two years from now, my website will fold along with them, and THAT i DON'T want.

So, any suggestions for me?