Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
Hmmm... Not that it makes much difference, but you might've been slightly better off reading that after volume 1 ended - that's when it was published / set.
Yeah, I have caught that as I've been reading it. I'm not too concerned, though. I've read enough spoilers for AF things that I think I can get the gist.

Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
Just you?
90s comics are a byword among collectors.
Oh sure, there are people who got into comics in the 90s, many more than there used to be, considering the time frame - but a lot of collectors (from what I've heard) hate the period.
Linkara, a comics reviewer I watch, is a good example.
I thought this might be so, but being I haven't been reading comics long myself, I wasn't completely sure.
I can barely make it past the art.
Everything just seems SO SERIOUS.
The bulk, the bulge, the everything.

I have one more issue to read of the NS mini, and then I'll go back to AF. It was a pretty quick read (especially considering how much my eyes had to adjust to the style of art and panel placement, etc).