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Thread: Cullen Bunn on Uncanny X-Men.

  1. #1

    Default Cullen Bunn on Uncanny X-Men.

    So you can read, on my site, how some time ago, I mentioned - after over 30+ years of collecting Uncanny X-Men, I had given up:

    (It even has a photo of Uncanny X-Men #121 with Alpha Flight!)

    Then reading, how Cullen Bunn, has made me believe in Uncanny X-Men again...

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That's cool you're back in it. I'm deliberately avoiding the 'X' at the moment, even when it's good. Too many crossovers, too many completely undeveloped characters (who I always assume are developed in some book I'm not reading, but nothing I do read backs that assumption up).

    ~ Le Messor
    "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That's cool you're back in it. I'm deliberately avoiding the 'X' at the moment, even when it's good. Too many crossovers, too many completely undeveloped characters (who I always assume are developed in some book I'm not reading, but nothing I do read backs that assumption up).
    No cross over yet.
    All the main characters are known (Mystique, Psylocke, Angel, Sabretooth, Magneto, M, PhantomX)... Only one I don't know all that well (because he came in at the time I had given up on understanding or caring about UXM is PhantomX, who to me, is just Stormshadow from GI Joe... he's the only weak link in the book).

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Cool! Enjoy it, then.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Cool! Enjoy it, then.
    Oh! I am. It's the only book from Marvel I enjoy, so far, every time! The other Marvel book (Spider-Man 2099) has had it's ups and downs this latest run, and Red Wolf is fun, but not a "knock'em out of the park" every time kind of book.

  6. #6


    I quit reading X-men for a long time until I read World War Wendigo and even after that, it has been a hit and miss for me to read. I just got tired of crossovers/tie-ins. Deadpool has some decent moments when reading as well but still. Other then Red Wolf and Captain Marvel, not much else has caught my eye. My friend has me wanting to read I hate Fairyland though, so I may start that when the TPB comes out and maybe get the coloring book if I like it that much. lol
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

  7. #7


    I think December was the first month in over 20 years that I didn't buy a single DC or Marvel title.

    I'm down to buying just Captain Marvel at the moment, although I have been enjoying Doctor Strange and Spider-Woman.

    I read the first UXM and it wasn't bad, it just didn't reach out and grab me enough. I'm happy to wait 6 months for it to be on MCU.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've been reading Squirrel Girl and Howard The Duck and Nova and enjoying them all. The first two are kind of quirky, boutique titles - those are the only two of those I'll get for now, so I don't get tired of that genre (as I do any non middle-of-the-road genre that gets overused). Nova is more middle-of-the-road traditional superheroing, in a fun, care-about-the-characters way (remember those?).

    Also ANAD Avengers, but that one's just okay. And I skipped the last issue because, crossover.

    ~ Le Messor
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