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Thread: Article: Captain Marvel #4 Preview

  1. #16


    Hopefully our favourite characters actually get to do something during the Civil War crossover issues, as this story arc is flat and dragging on too long. I was initially excited about the potential for this book, but move the story along already. The first issue showed potential for character development, but I haven't really seen any since, except for Aurora seemingly liking linguistics this issue, or was she just plotting her next behind the scenes move. At this point any random alien Marvel characters could be substituted in for Aurora, Puck or Sasquatch and the story would not have to be change in the slightest. That's not what I was hoping for.

    I was hoping that Marvel would see this as an opportunity to expand the visibility of Alpha Flight within the universe and eventually lead into a new series. At this point, they're barely supporting cast members, just slightly ahead of the minor cameos made by Shaman and Talisman in Doctor Strange.


  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That's kind of the style of the time - decompressed storytelling.

    As far as I can tell, it's more popular among creators than readers.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by swh_comicguy View Post
    At this point, they're barely supporting cast members
    That's exactly what they are though.
    It's not their book.

  4. #19


    Maybe it's a skrull posing as a member. we know they attacked the alpha flight hospital already and they hate the kree. Wishful thinking

    overall the story is dragging and will be happy when it wraps up next issue.

  5. #20


    Yeah, 3-4 have been a bit padded.

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