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Thread: New Warriors + Squirrel Girl Show

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    Is this the first official announcement? Because I've been hearing it over the last week as news, but I've known about it for months.

    I'm looking forward to it; should be fun. What I want to know (and, sorry, I didn't read the article attached so maybe it said) is who will be on the team? We know Squirrel Girl will be - but she never was, in the comics (apparently she was in an animated ep of Spider-Man).

    Of the originals:
    Nightthrasher they could do, NP.
    Speedball, same.
    Silhouette... maybe, but the MCU Darkforce Dimension has always been shown as 'you touch it, you die' kind o' fing ('cept for people like Madame Masque, who got powers). But if they're doing Cloak and Dagger, it should work.

    Nova - nope. He got his powers from the Nova Corps, but in the MCU, they don't have powers. (Unless GotG 2 fixes that?)
    Justice - nope. Mutant. Tied to the other Guardians Of The Galaxy.
    Firestar - nope. Mutant.
    Namorita - does anybody on the planet even know who has the rights to Namor? Anybody?

    Obviously, they could work around any and all of the above, but it's interesting to think about.
    Well, I think it is.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught."
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  3. #3

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    Finally! I've been wondering.
    (That was written before reading the article... now...)

    Well... four of the six actually were New Warriors. I'll give them that. They were New Warriors at the same time, even. (Maybe, as a friend once posited, they're going for the Reality TV angle?)

    I don't like their take on Dwayne, and Mr Immortal in the comics is a bit old for the groups, but the rest sounds workable.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Great people have one think in common ~ they do not conform."
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