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Thread: AF Post Byrne

  1. #16
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Pestilence, DreamQueen, and Heather

    Pestilence and DreamQueen are characters---though not introduced well---that have a lot of potential. James Hudnall (and Hugh Haynes on art) did the best with DreamQueen in ALPHA FLIGHT #67. I like Heather as the behind-the-scenes/I've got your back (vol. 1, #1)/well-connected (knows high-level government official, Frank Hulme, vol. 1, #3)/keeping the group together because she understands the importance of what ALPHA FLIGHT is for (vol. 1, #17) leader more than the E-M suit-wearing, flies-like-a-pro while whining about needing training, friend-abandoning doppelganger from AF# 30 on.

    Moreover, the Mantlo era is more than a run that fans have to accept as canon. It is a testament to the quality, commitment, and professionalism of MARVEL, itself. Mr. Jeffries ducking out on the fight with the Hulk in #29 is part of MARVEL's canon. Aurora carrying Judd---225 pound Judd---when she's still supposedly recuperating from "three cracked ribs" in AF#29 is an example of the MARVEL's commitment to continuity. The strongest member on the team, Box, carrying NO ONE shows just how much care and thought was put into the book. These examples (and many, many more) will be part of MARVEL's enduring legacy long after fans who really cares about ALPHA FLIGHT are gone.

  2. #17


    I will always back up how great I think DreamQueen is.
    I hate talking ill of any of Mantlo's work - after all that happened to him, and he passed. But he wasn't good for Alpha Flight.
    But others who followed had some (IMO) stinkers - Llan the Sorcerer was one of my least favorite villains - ever. I mean, in comic book history. For his story to his looks. But that was just that - I thought Hundall did fine otherwise trying to clean up stuff.
    And then later - I can't even remember the issue - I just recall Silver and Auric were in it - where the town has gone made, and murder and mayhem are happening left and right - the art, the story, everything was horrid - so much so - I can't even recall WHO or WHAT was the villain. (So I suppose that could be worse than Llan for me, since I managed to block out who was behind it).

    I feel fortunate we got to have James on our podcast before he passed to talk Alpha Flight...

  3. #18


    Tawmis, I didn't like Heather as a leader or the Aurora alteration as well.

    I did think the Madison Jeffries version of the Box suit was cool.

  4. #19
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis
    I can't even remember the issue - I just recall Silver and Auric were in it - where the town has gone mad, and murder and mayhem are happening left and right
    I believe it was DreamQueen, fwiw.

  5. #20


    Tawmis, I didn't like Heather as a leader or the Aurora alteration as well.
    I did think the Madison Jeffries version of the Box suit was cool.

    It's good to see I am not alone! I didn't mind Madison in Box. I didn't like that they prettied him up just to make him suitable for Heather. I did like Roger in Box too - because how you had someone bound to a wheelchair now in a muscular suit of armor.

    I believe it was DreamQueen, fwiw.

    Maybe that's why I shut it out? Someone took a great villain and ruined her?

  6. #21
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I did like Jeffries as a blue-collar ordinary guy. With superpowers.

    I think the specific issue is #69, part 3 of Wrath Of The DreamQueen (I just dug out the issue I think it is). That story wasn't the worst, but there were not so great things about it.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    I think the specific issue is #69, part 3 of Wrath Of The DreamQueen (I just dug out the issue I think it is). That story wasn't the worst, but there were not so great things about it.

    Now I am curious what you consider the worse Alpha Flight story (at least for Volume One).

  8. #23
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've never given it any thought. When I said worst up there, I didn't mean I had a specific comparison.

    Probably not a specific story, so much as something that happened within a story - Heather turning psycho; the otherwise okay Bedlam storyline turning Mac psycho. Marrina turning psycho (but that happened in The Avengers).

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