I guess it's my turn, not use being a faceless lurker...

NAME: Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker
BIRTH DATE: February 20, 1980
LOCATION: Revelstoke, BC, Canada (orig. form Yellowknife, NT, Canada)
OCCUPATION: Host at Denny's (hey it pays the bills... barely), saving up to get the required courses to get into the comic book field
INTERESTS: Comics, theology and mythology, comics, basic chemestry/physics, and did I meantion Comics yet?
BIO: Born and bred in the frozen North, moved to BC in 2001 (shortly after 9/11) to defrost. Have quite an ecclectic résumé under my belt, but hey, what can ya do. When not doing something comic-related, working on a 'thesis' I suppose you could call, considering I am not in University, yet still writing it, on the fundimental similarities of Judeo-Christianity, and Classic/Neo-Paganism