Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
Quote Originally Posted by beetleblack
Oh and Swifty, you ARE one sick puppy... but then aren't we all!

I thought it was a prerequisit to be on this board that you had people in white smocks chasing you with straight-jackets....

...I swear one of these days I'm gonna master multi quoting on this bloody thing.

A-hem anyhoo....SO that's what those two lurking in the shadows are! I was wondering about that!

Quote Originally Posted by beetleblack

Oh my, I never knew that Snowbird had it in her... and as for Northstar and Sasquatch - that's gotta hurt!
Oh yeah like you were shocked! lol You obviously did the same thing I did! "What nefarious games did I play with my toys when I was a kid?"
God only knows the REAL Army I played with my G.I. Joes.