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Thread: Marvel Legends Sasquatch Revealed!

  1. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by zekethegreat

    P.S. Yes, I am insane

    Welcome Zeke, you are at the right place
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Defunct
    Well that's certainly a creative way not to offend people.
    I've come to notice that the people who offend the most are the ones who say no offence.
    And yes, I'm a stupid, mean, gross, disgusting, jerk. just join the club of people who think that about me, heck, even I think that about myself.

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by zekethegreat
    What I meant was that I was educated (and still am) in a very weird way.
    I was (am) taught that anything you do and anything you buy and so on should only be a way to learn, and that the most important thing is learn, learn, learn and not do anything else. Because of that I have been learning alot lately and trying to do less of other things. I don't watch TV anymore, I'm alot less on the computer and I've stoped doing alot of things. I'm trying to get that thought out of my head, but it's hard. Basically this makes me think that buying most things is stupid (which is a stupid thought itself).
    I guess a lot of it comes down to priorities in life. I'm all for learning, and feel the day you stop learning is the day you die, however there is also a lot to be said for some simple pleasures in life. I'm not into the whole consumer way of life by any means, however if I can purchase something that I will enjoy, and be happy about, and smile when I look at, display, or play with, that's great.

    I think it also comes down to what your perspective is on "learning" not all learning comes from a book, a set of rules, or a classroom. Maybe having simple thing like an action figure that you would enjoy will help you learn some things about yourself, which in many ways is more important than learning about other people, or about abstract though. The Jewish faith has not been practiced in my family for sever generations, I do however understand something of the nature of the Jewish Orthodox doctrine, there are certain structures there that we would not commonly see in North American, or European life styles, so I won't presume to judge or advise by any means. I do however believe that everyone needs joy in their lives regardless of race, colour, or religion. So if you feel you would enjoy action figures, I say "why not" but if you don't think you would enjoy them, find joy where you can, in the simple things. You're young, you have lots of life left to keep on learning.


  4. #79
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Learning is cool, but I refuse to let any one aspect of my life be the -only- aspect of my life. If I did, it'd be Christianity, and I wouldn't read comics (they're way too hostile towards me); but then, I'd just be a stereotype, a one-dimensional character.

    - Le Messor
    "I want to make it absolutely clear, I don't hate all Christianity-- just you."
    - Joss Whedon

  5. #80


    I just "learned" how Sasquatch looks standing over shot glasses on my bar. He looks awesome.

    To each their own. Buy the figure zeke and learn of its awesomeness.

  6. #81


    Here's the text from the back of the package:

    Power Grid:
    Intelligence 5 (out of 7)
    Strength 5
    Speed 2
    Durability 4
    Energy Projection 0
    Fighting Skills 2
    Height: 10'/3m
    Weight: 2000lbs/907.2kg
    Eyes: Red
    Hair: Orange

    Walter Langowski had it all. Professional football player. A Ph.D. in physics. Millionaire status. He also had something else: thick orange fur, an ape-like physique, and clawed hands and feet. Walter designed and constructed a device to generate gamma radiation bombardments similar to those which had created the Hulk. He used this equipment on himself and was transformed into a ten-foot tall, superhumanly powerful creature. Walter called his bestial form 'Sasquatch," the Canadian name for the legendary "Bigfoot" creature that he resembled. Once he learned how to maintain his normal personality and intelligence as Sasquatch he joined Alpha Flight. Walter Langowski continues to be his own successful experiment, a man changed into a superhuman Sasquatch with powers that can benefit all of mutantkind.

    Now of course they misspelled "Langkowski", erroneously paired a single quote with a double quote and left out about 1,000,000 details, but hey, at least they mentioned Alpha Flight so I'm pretty psyched! I'm also psyched that the little image next to the power grid is artwork from Bart Sears' Sabretooth LS, one of my favorites.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  7. #82



    Quote Originally Posted by rplass
    Walter Langowski continues to be his own successful experiment, a man changed into a superhuman Sasquatch with powers that can benefit all of mutantkind.
    Why are they always saying that Alpha Flight is Mutancentric, as if they are the X-Men?? I can count on one hand how many feats they've done that strictly relates to mutants, and still have fingers left over! Most of their adventures have been to protect Canada from aliens, supernatural/psychic threats, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm an X-fan, but Alpha Flight is as much an X-team as I am a duck. They're standing is more along the lines of the Avengers - for national use, no matter what the species.
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  8. #83


    I think they're trying to appeal to the mutant market. Face it X-Men/Wolverine is one of their hottest commodities. Maybe they get a new X-fan to buy one or two even though they know little about Alpha Flight or Sasquatch. So they put the word Mutant on the box....should be no water off Allan's back! Quack! Quack!

    Terribly sorry! Couldn't pass it up!

  9. #84


    Just for the record, I agree with Allan here. Alpha Flight has always been more aligned with the stories from the Avengers than the X-Men. Most of their deeds have little to do with mutants, or the fact that the villain is a mutant is really immaterial. You could plug in any vilain and the story would be the same. There wasn't a whole lot of mutant agenda in Alpha Flight.

    As for the duck thing. If Allan is a duck then he's a very impressive one. Excellent grasp of the English language for a water fowl. But I'll go out on a limb and say I've never seen any duck agenda in any of Allan's posts or writing. Of course that is always subject to change.

    To bring it back to the discussion at hand, I personnally love to collect things, though not just for display or investment purposes. I love picking up action figures for my son to play with and because I love the characters. I also use them for educating others on the fun and love I have for comic books and their characters. It's not all about learning. Sometimes you have to stop and be the teacher for awhile. Take my sister for instance who has two small boys. She knows nothing about comics or superheroes. Her sons however are learning because I get them action figures and comic books and share with them my knowledge of the stories and characters. Displaying action figures, busts, or even comic books may just be what it takes to make a comic enthusiast. Vital to the industry, otherwise when we're all gone, no on will talk about the great feats of Walter Lang(k)owski.

  10. #85


    *sigh* Nothing like being mocked for a good purpose, I s'pose...
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    *sigh* Nothing like being mocked for a good purpose, I s'pose...
    *rolls up sleeves*
    In that case...

  12. #87
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The colour reproduction in the toy's #10 is excellent; and it surprised me that they included the -whole- issue, with the Twin origin, not just the Sas part. If I find a white variant, I'll use it as my main copy. (I gave my orange copy to the guy I was staying with when I found the toy.)
    I have a copy of #8 with just as good colour, but its backup is the main story from #9, not the origin that should be there. (It's an OZ edition, btw).

    - Le Messor
    "You have yet to face your greatest test. Fool it now!"
    - Tanaraq

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