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Thread: Exiles #87

  1. #1

    Default Exiles #87

    Writer : Tony Beddard
    Pencils : Paul Pelletier
    Inker : Rick Magyar
    Colours : Will Quintana
    Letters : Dave Sharpe

    The Exiles
    I guess I have Ben to thank for getting me into the Exiles. I wasn't to sure to begin with, but the last few arcs have been very strong. Plus we have a Heather Hudson in there, not the one we all know, but a Heather Hudson non the less.

    The Story - SuperGuardians part 1 0f 2
    I suppose one of the joys of writing something like The Exiles is the freedom to really let your imagination run riot. No continuity or character is messed up as they are from different dimensions so the 616 isn't affected. This story starts of with what looks like the Silver Surfer battling with various members of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. This Silver Surfer is powerful and what he does to Gladiator is worth the price of the book on it's own. The Exiles (with someone I assume is Morph starting out as Sasquatch for some unknown reason) watch as the Surfer kicks Imperial Butt and then launches a tirade at this dimensions Galactus, who looks a lot like an Incan God. It would seem that this Galactus actually restores world in this dimension and was preparing to restore a shattered earth, but has refused to restore Zenn'Lar. If you want to know why then I would suggest buying the book, it's well worth the money.

    Before The Surfer can do too much damage to Galactus, Galactus augments Blinks powers to banish the Surfer. While introductions are made and Galactus relates his story, the SuperGuardian (Gladiators Wife) Manta returns from fetching help. Upshot of all this is that the Exiles are co-opted into The Imperial Guard and invited to participate in the upcoming final battle against 'The Silver Surfer'.

    The Creative Stuff
    One of the things I have found consistently enjoyable about the Exiles in recent months is that as soon as I turn that cover I am immediately sucked into the story. Pacing for me is spot on. Nothing has jumped out from the page and stopped me from reading right through to the end. Everything comes together nicely and leads to a very enjoyable read.

    With Civil War jamming up the Marvel Universe at present, a little escape is needed just to break things up. You can't go far wrong with The Exiles. I'd recommend it to anyone. This issue doesn't let down what's gone before so I'm quite happy to give it a B+.[/right]

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  2. #2


    Nice review Del. I enjoyed this one as I do with every issue of Exiles. What I find this book doing is making me wish the next one was out right away...the way AF used to make me feel


  3. #3


    I didn't really enjoy this issue, to be fair.
    It felt kinda forced.
    Maybe it's because this issue, and the few before/after weren't originally planned and only came into the schedule when Claremont became ill, I don't know.
    Bedard's run has been up and down for me; I've absolutely LOVED some issues, yet some have done nothing at all for me, it's odd...

  4. #4


    It helped for me that I'm a big fan of Silver Surfer and the galactic half of the Marvel U.


  5. #5


    I picked it up and liked it. You can't beat the cover, it's what sold me on the book to be honest. I'm an easy sell.

  6. #6


    If truth be known, when I first saw this Surfer, I thought the Exiles had been drawn into some dimension where IronClad from the U-Foes had recieved the power cosmic.

    I'm probably enjoying the Exiles more with the fill in stories. Just in your face action with no crossovers, long lingering plot threads or ready to be revealed secrets. I'm probably enjoying it more cos Civil War is jamming up the MU. Even Black Panther this month is a Civil War tie in (probably the main one), even if it's not credited as such. I just enjoy a little escapism now and again.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    No, I won't buy this issue!

    ... but I'll buy the trade. I've been getting them all (I just finished my second read of #8.) I've really been enjoying Exiles on an Alpha level; it seems like it's written by Alpha fans, 'least the earlier stuff. Far more so than some books that've called themselves Alpha Flight.

    I'd love to see them visit the realities of the movies.

    - Le Messor
    "Behind every absurdity there lies a basic truth. Behind every basic truth there lies an absurdity."

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