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Thread: Spot Marrina!

  1. #1

    Default Spot Marrina!

    Forget 'Where's Wally' this is the game that all Alpha Flight fans will be talking about... well maybe not.

    Can you spot Marrina in this Avengers/JLA cover?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Spot Marrina!

    Quote Originally Posted by beetleblack
    Forget 'Where's Wally' this is the game that all Alpha Flight fans will be talking about... well maybe not.

    Can you spot Marrina in this Avengers/JLA cover?
    FOUND HER!! only too me four minutes!
    *Shes on the far left hand side, about half-way up the page between Deathcry and Steel, just left of Mr. Miracle*
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  3. #3


    FOUND HER, too. It took me about ten seconds after making the image full-size.

    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  4. #4


    I have to confess that it took me AGES to find Marrina in that pic, because I was both working with a smaller version of the picture and also because I wasn't 100% convinced that she was there at all!

  5. #5


    I found her pretty quickly. the big pic loads slowly on dialup, and just as it started to load where she is, I spotted her


  6. #6


    found her!
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  7. #7


    Found her but it took me about a minute.

  8. #8


    You can find Marrina again on the box set of the JLA/Avengers. I saw a Deluxe edition tonight of the JLA/Avengers series @ Forbidden Planet. It comes in a strong white box, a reproduction of the AMAZING JLA/Avengers #3 Perez cover, and includes two volumes, one containing all four issues reproduced in a large format [larger than the original comics] hardcover, and another hardcover with extremely detailed descriptions of nearly every panel in all four books and a history of DC/Marvel crossovers. The non-comic hardcover shows Marvel character names printed in one color and DC in another so you can find things easier. I didn't get it b/c it retails for $75.00US [a little too rich for my blood], but now I see it on amazon for $51. I think this is the Xmas gift for my nephew that I was looking for.


  9. #9


    Found her in under 15 secs!

    The ultra-hardback is great, I got a copy a few weeks back (even though I own the original issues and the reprints from within UK Avengers United).

    The second back discusses the original proposals and has some really good Perez artwork.
    So Says Scarlettspiderg! And yes that is my letter (GP) in ANAD AF 12.

  10. #10


    Man, talk about taking a long time to make a decision!!!

    I finally picked up the Collector's Edition(box set) tonight.

    What happened was that it was up on a high shelf at the LCS and the girl went to go get it so I could see it... wasn't sure if I was going to get it or not... well, she stood on a rickety stool and it fell over and I am serious, she almost got very very hurt, but another employee grabbed the stool at the last second and righted it, but not before she reached out to balance herself on another shelf, which knocked off another big hardcover book which hit her in the head really hard. She was ok. I had to buy it after that!

    Anyway, it is absolutely beautiful. Very big. The compendium book is incredible and lists Marrina, as well as The Master. Fortunately the pages are numbered in the hardcover so you can find the panels easily. It is so nice, I love it. It's very shiny, too.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I'd already decided to buy that hardcover before reading this.
    S'rously, it's on my list.

    It took me about a minute to find Marrina, but I looked on the actual issue, not the d'loaded picture.

    - Le Messor
    "Everything you ever dreaded was under your bed but told yourself couldn't be in the light of day. *They're all real*."
    - Giles

  12. #12


    Eh, took me a little while, was sort of organizing the characters by groups before I looked at the left edge.

  13. #13


    Well, the TPB for this 4-issue series has been announced. I'm really glad about that, since it has been so long and the hardcover version is out of print! It's somewhat easy to find the individual issues if you want to read it, but I'm still happy about the TPB, keepin' the thread alive!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  14. #14


    OK here's another "Spot Marrina" game:

    Can you spot Marrina in this image?

    The picture is too big to post here but it's from Ryan Dunlavey's blog. He's the writer/artist for the M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay issue with Jeffries and Lil.

    Good luck!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  15. #15


    SPOILER: Right behind Swordsmen and Hawkeye and Mockingbird at the bar END

    What is this from? As it has a lot of DC characters there

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