Mik raised an interesting point over in another thread which got me thinking;
How does everyone access the site?
What do you go to first?
Mik raised an interesting point over in another thread which got me thinking;
How does everyone access the site?
What do you go to first?
(Which was that I go straight to thread replies or search for unread threads, rather than the front page.)
- Mik
"Only users lose drugs."
But what URL do you type in/click on/have bookmarked to do it that way round?
I go to then I hit refresh because the login script is funky.
I do the same as rplass. Only I hit the "What's New?" button, which both logs me in and takes me to a list of what is new.
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Looks like this:
which I believe is the 'What's New?' tab; I've had it bookmarked so long, I don't remember where I got it.
(Technically, I usually start by reading all the thread notifications that get delivered to my Inbox, but then I go to the above link.)
- Le Messor
"There is wisdom in innocence."
~ P.K. Shaw
Last edited by Le Messor; 06-10-2012 at 06:53 PM.
I type in 'alp' into my web bar and it shows alphaflight.net each time, so I don't have to type in the whole thing.
Keep your stick on the ice.
Live it.