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Thread: jason aaron quote on alpha

  1. #1

    Default jason aaron quote on alpha

    probably my favorite writer right now. wolverine and the xmen is by far the best thing marvel is putting out right now and his thor issues have been very good. anyways, heres what he had to say:

    2) Any new teachers coming to the Jean Grey School? I think Firestar and Quicksilver would be interesting choices given their connections to mutants, maybe even Guest Teachers like The Vision or Spider-Man, two characters I love seeing interact with X-Characters.
    Way back when I first started putting my cast together for this series, Firestar and Quicksilver were both on the list. But ultimately I didn't have room for them. Obviously my cast is already insanely huge as it is. But those are both characters I'd still like to find room for at some point down the road. I'd really love to see them both finally become true X-Men in a big way. I love a lot of Alpha Flight characters too. Someday, maybe. Someday.

  2. #2


    Yeah I do enjoy how Aaron uses a lot of AF characters for cameos and for the most part shows a great deal of respect for them.

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've been enjoying Wolvie & X, too. Good to see a writer of such calibre liking the Flight.
    Or the original writer of Excalibur... but wait, he'd never wrtie Alpha.

    ~ Le Messor
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