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Thread: Favorite Alphan and why

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  1. #25


    Wildchild! Something so terribly vulnerable about Kyle and yet he manages to be strong ... depsite the crappy recent (and not so recent) rewritings. My fav period is when he's Weapon Omega and trying really hard to hold it all together. Then Wyre shows up and royal farks things over. O_o

    Poor Kyle gets the crappy end of the stick from Marvel every time; has an OFFscreen relationship with the team skank... er I mean Aurora... then gets beastialized AGAIN... then captured by Weapon X, his voice taken away along with his identity- then rejected by Aurora in favour of a guy even more 'hideous' than he's become - then relegated to no-name bad guy flunkie with Romulus... argh!

    In the beginning when I started collecting AF when I was 12 or so I liked Marrina but then really identified with Kyle. He was hideous, I was fat... I was treated like poop, so was he. He eventually redeemed himself, or tried to, as Weapon Omega and won a place in my heart cause of that. ^_^

    My next fav is Heather, just cause she's an ordinary woman who makes a go of it after she loses the love of her life.

    I feel bad for Aurora, too! She could have been awesome but they made her a sloot and crazy to boot then now they've killed her (and the others) off. Yet another example of how Marvel hates women. *head desk*
    Last edited by Remedy; 09-05-2010 at 08:25 AM. Reason: Spelling! oopsies!

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