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Thread: Favorite Alphan and why

  1. #16
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    Finally a fan of Calibre! and I thought I was the only one, another one of my favorites would have to be Razor...What? No one else likes?

  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Fan? No, I just wanted him to surrender... :P

  3. #18


    LOL! I dunno...I think Caliber has potential.

    I forgot to say why I like the characters I do (I apologize)...

    Heather is one of my most faves, because she's one of the earlier characters (appearing before Volume 1 in the X-Men), the way she and Logan interacted was intriguing and once I got to know her better in Volume 1, I really grew to love her...She was strong-willed, smart and feisty (not to mention very, very brave for a woman with no powers...I.e. Diving into the water to save a baby after it was snatched by an unknown aquatic horror)...She brought the team back together (I loved that she seemed a part of the team from the beginning) and when Mac died, turned from grieving widow to fantastic leader, even before she put the suit on...Great character. It's a flipping shame Marvel is letting her go to waste....I'd love to see Heather being the single mom (I'd prefer if Mac were not brought back again...His multi-deaths and returns have become one of Alpha's most tired and worn-out jokes) and leading Alpha from home...I think that would be cool.

    Sasquatch is a fun character all around (and also kind of frightening)...Big, furry, strong and insanely smart...He also had that unpredictable quality of losing his temper/losing his control to Tanaraq and nearly killing his team-mates...It made things interesting...Hated when he became Wanda, though.

    Talisman IMHO was one of the best additions to the original team, related to not one but three members (technically), interesting powers and had that new kid thing going (I didn't really feel that way with Puck and Marrina, since they had been through training already and had been operating for a few years behind the scenes. She and Shaman had that Dad and rebellious teen thing going (I liked their chemistry via John Byrne, the most)...Heather being her "foster" big sister, was a cool twist...And Snowbird being another "long-lost" sister (in a way) was also interesting...Elizabeth really didn't seem to care for Narya much (that unspoken rivalry)...Jealousy is an ugly thing.

    I'm also fond of Aurora and Northstar, I found them to be fun and very interesting...Aurora/Jeanne-Marie's (and Company's) mental tug of war and Jean Paul's arrogance and attitude (and that he was an interesting gay character).

    I guess that's it.


    BTW: Should we have a favorite Alpha villain thread too?
    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 07-25-2010 at 04:48 AM.

  4. #19


    Sasquatch: He is crazy smart and tough, and very little credit is given to the man...beast. cause his nails are one of the few things that can cut into hulks skin naturally. AND he took on the super-skrull by himself that the fantastic four took all of them to defeat. to me his 100% pure hairy bad ass.

    Heather: always was a fan of red heads. and i liked her green vindicator costume. she was a strong woman outside of the times when she dwelled on Mac. but she tried to pull through even when she thought she lost everyone. like northstar, and aurora and puck.

    than in 3rd and fourth i have to have .... Caliber, and .. tough one... ill have to go with Talisman.
    Last edited by Trodorne; 07-28-2010 at 10:02 AM.
    "I go on with my life who cares about the past. the past...OW why did you hit me?"

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  5. #20


    Favourite Alphan - Sasquatch! Scientist, Football player, Rich, Super strong monster. I didnt like the aspect of him losing control to the beast.
    After that - Talisman, Heather, Northstar & Aurora
    Talisman - Not sure what it is I find most appealing about her. I like the aboriginal representation. Wasnt keen on Shaman however. Her Omega costume was cool too
    Heather - Liked her more than Mac. Strong female leader dealing witht he loss of her husband. Not many strong females represented in comics. She wasnt the typical scantily clad boxom type either.
    Northstar - First openly gay character in comics. Added to the great diversification of AF
    Aurora - split personalities, a very different trait back in the day. I always found her to be a very interesting character.
    Box (Roger Bochs) - a disabled character who uses technology to gain the ability to walk as well as kick some butt. I even prefer Roger's Box over Madison's
    I also liked Goblyn, well...cause, she just seemed very dangerous not to mention she looked cool.
    I'll add Nemesis to the list as well but mainly because that was a killer costume.

  6. #21


    Why I like:

    Feedback: making energy duplicates out of electricity is just cool but so impossible
    Windshear: same basic idea, hard air, plus a good costume
    Nemesis: OK, the costume was the hook to get me to like her; simple power, flight, a sword, not 'super' in the traditional sense.
    Box: cool if impossible powers, best robotic character ever, powerful when he put his mind to it, 'living metal', so much

    No need for me to explain all of them, but Ghost Girl and Guardian grew on me.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

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  7. #22


    Northstar and Sasquatch for me... just cause I find them hot!

  8. #23


    Puck, who is Alpha's true heart and soul. Followed swiftly by Wild Child and Yukon Jack.
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  9. #24
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Shaman. I've always been fascinated by real life shamans, and the idea of a character who can reach into a never-ending magic pouch and pull out anything is so cool!

  10. #25


    Wildchild! Something so terribly vulnerable about Kyle and yet he manages to be strong ... depsite the crappy recent (and not so recent) rewritings. My fav period is when he's Weapon Omega and trying really hard to hold it all together. Then Wyre shows up and royal farks things over. O_o

    Poor Kyle gets the crappy end of the stick from Marvel every time; has an OFFscreen relationship with the team skank... er I mean Aurora... then gets beastialized AGAIN... then captured by Weapon X, his voice taken away along with his identity- then rejected by Aurora in favour of a guy even more 'hideous' than he's become - then relegated to no-name bad guy flunkie with Romulus... argh!

    In the beginning when I started collecting AF when I was 12 or so I liked Marrina but then really identified with Kyle. He was hideous, I was fat... I was treated like poop, so was he. He eventually redeemed himself, or tried to, as Weapon Omega and won a place in my heart cause of that. ^_^

    My next fav is Heather, just cause she's an ordinary woman who makes a go of it after she loses the love of her life.

    I feel bad for Aurora, too! She could have been awesome but they made her a sloot and crazy to boot then now they've killed her (and the others) off. Yet another example of how Marvel hates women. *head desk*
    Last edited by Remedy; 09-05-2010 at 08:25 AM. Reason: Spelling! oopsies!

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Remedy View Post
    I feel bad for Aurora, too! She could have been awesome but they made her a sloot and crazy to boot then now they've killed her (and the others) off. Yet another example of how Marvel hates women. *head desk*
    Alpha Flight's roster has really taken a beating over the last few years, but Aurora's not among the dead.

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    Alpha Flight's roster has really taken a beating over the last few years, but Aurora's not among the dead.
    Oh good! maybe there's hope that someone can redeem Marvel then and get her straightened out and interesting again! AND make her not-a-sloot... poor girl, she deserves better treatment than that! Sheesh!

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Mrfurious87 View Post
    My favorite Alphan has been and always will be Marrina, the reason for this is that my first comic was a guest appearance by her in Power Pack 10 in 1992 at the ripe age of 5, I guess you could say she was my first crush...
    So, you've liked girls who smell like fish since you were FIVE?

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
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  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24 View Post
    So, you've liked girls who smell like fish since you were FIVE?

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  15. #30


    Not many people are ripe at five, unless they work out at noon and don't shower or change clothes.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

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