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Thread: What do you like/dislike about the members of Alpha Flight?

  1. #1

    Default What do you like/dislike about the members of Alpha Flight?

    Yankee's "Take A Point/Add A Point" thread made me think - it's interesting who we minus points and add points to...

    So I thought it'd be kind of fun to list the people from his list - and people can reply to any or all of the character - and write down what they like or dislike or both - about the following characters? I figure there's potential for quite a bit of discussion!

    Beta Ray Bill
    Diamond Lil
    Earth Mover
    Ghost Girl
    Guardian (Heather)
    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2)
    Major Mapleleaf
    Michael Pointer
    Puck 1s
    Puck (Zuzha Yu)
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1)
    Smart Alec
    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter)
    St. Elmo
    Vindicator (Mac)
    Wild Child
    Yukon Jack

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Aurora, when she first appeared, was this beautiful, flirty woman. So I loved her in her first appearance - and as she was developed (early) in Volume One, I thought the multiple personality disorder was an interesting twist that we've not really seen in main heroes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Beta Ray Bill
    To be fair, Beta Ray Bill I was a huge Beta Ray Bill fan from the pages of THOR. So he was the one thing I really liked about that version of Omega Flight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I wasn't a fan of this character. He reminded me of the "New X-Men" explosion of characters - that were off beat. This old man who is extremely strong, yet has no muscles. Just odd. I liked his personality - just not how he was drawn. Wish if he was a retired hero, he would have looked the part. Still muscular, but maybe not that muscular or something...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Diamond Lil
    The original "evil" Omega Flight team had a lot of stand out characters. And Diamond Lil was one, that later on in the series, got some development - and I really liked her character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Earth Mover
    I only read one issue with him (in Wolverine) - and he was another one where he reminded me of the "New X-Men" explosion of students... I get that people have mohawks, and sometimes it works (Storm) and sometimes it doesn't. There was nothing at all that drew me to this character - and I typically favor obscure characters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Ghost Girl
    St. Elmo
    This batch of characters - hold zero memory slots. I have a very general memory of them - of them, only Saint Elmo sticks out because I remember him as a primary character in an Annual or something. But other than that - meh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    For what he was (being in V2), I thought he was an interesting character. Very "anime" however, to me. Seems like something I would see in an anime cartoon - from his looks to his powers. I know they tried to "allude" he was a genetic son (or genetic genes) from Wolverine - and I am glad (I don't think?) that was ever confirmed. I didn't like him. I didn't hate him. He was just kind of there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    For all my complaining about Bill "replacing" Alpha Flight with his team; this was a character creation that I thought was very unique. Every time I think of Pathway/Goblyn - I can't help but think if they were the inspiration for Generation X's "Penance." Because I feel like there's a lot of similarities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Guardian (Heather)
    I liked Heather, as Heather. When she donned on the costume, I feel like we lost the character that was there. (And not just because she killed Snowbird... What? Me? Bitter? No! Heh). Kidding aside - I feel like she was better as a field leader (without the super suit). Strangely, her powers in V2, I thought were better adjustment (and her costume). I understand that, really, with Mac dead, there was little choice - they needed another leader, and I guess throwing Heather into Mac's costume was a quick way to do just that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2)
    I liked Madison in the beginning; however, he was one character, who with development later on, actually annoyed me (especially the triangle between him, Heather and Puck).

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Major Mapleleaf
    I thought he was a good character. And pretty much a shame, he didn't end up in Mac's costume eventually.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I. Hated. This. Character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Loved her. And I thought when she was in Avengers, it was a good thing. However, it would lead to her demise, which was disappointing. But the fact that she was with Sub Mariner, I thought, at the time, was some good recognition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Michael Pointer
    Mixed feelings. I liked his story in that title (forgot what what it was? Marvel Tales or something?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Only person I hated more than her was Manbot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I liked the original Nemesis that appeared - but bringing her back seemed odd, after her story was resolved. Granted, Deadly Ernest came back - and once killed - it seems like she would have called it quits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Loved Northstar, way back. But - really dug him later - when I was not so niave - and understood - all the hints of his sexual orientation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Initially didn't care for her - she seemed forced. But I do like the idea of her character, because Purple Man has probably seduced his fair share of women and spawned many children.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Puck was the heart of the team. Who didn't like Puck?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Puck (Zuzha Yu)
    Wish we would have seen more of her. And seen some daughter/father interaction. That's never happened has it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    He was probably the most defined character in V2, and I actually liked his character, and his tie to Unus the Untouchable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1)
    I didn't like the character initially - but liked the story build up that led to his "down fall" for lack of a better word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Probably one of my favorites of Alpha Flight. Really liked that he was different. He was like Hulk, but not!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Probably, aside from Snowbird - or probably tied with her - my favorite character in Alpha Flight. I did, however, dislike when he wore the Talisman and had that B&W suit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Smart Alec
    Wish we could have seen more of him, after he got out of the bag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Do I really need to say anything here? Other than "Marry me?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter)
    I liked her from the days I read her in West Coast Avengers, so it was cool to have a new place to read about her, though they didn't do much with her character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Really liked her character. Thought she got some amazing development. Her personality reminds me of M.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Never been a fan, and his Omega Flight stuff did nothing to change my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Vindicator (Mac)
    He was the Captain America of the team. It was an odd move to kill him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Wild Child
    Loved Wildchild - and that love for the character grew with his appearance in X-Factor and then in Age of Apocalypse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Can't remember much about him, except he appeared near the end of the series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Yukon Jack
    Probably my favorite (new) character to come out of the volume he was in.

  3. #3


    Yankee's "Take A Point/Add A Point" thread made me think - it's interesting who we minus points and add points to...

    So I thought it'd be kind of fun to list the people from his list - and people can reply to any or all of the character - and write down what they like or dislike or both - about the following characters? I figure there's potential for quite a bit of discussion!

    Aurora - Core Alphan . I like her more as wild and carefree Aurora, as opposed to the split personality Aurora. I think the crazy Aurora was over done - liked in in the Weapons X series.

    Beta Ray Bill - na
    Centennial - okay at best. I hated volume 3 so much, so I'm biased
    Diamond Lil - Core Omega Flight. Loved her as a villain, which they should have kept her as.
    Earth Mover - I think there are enough 1st nation mystics. Bit of a stereo type. Cannon Fodder
    Feedback - One dimensional, but then the character was never really fleshed out. Maybe keep him around as a member of Gamma Flight.
    Flex - One of my favourite new Alphans from volume 2.
    Ghost Girl - too generic of a character to really care about.
    Goblin - Core Beta Flight - Originally i couldn't stand Goblyn. During the Dream Queen story line I grew to appreciate her.
    Groundhog - My favourite of the First Flight line up. I'd make him part of Department H
    Guardian (Heather) - Keep her part of Alpha Flight, but more in an administrator role. Also have her in the original flag outfit, but with the maple leaf part opposite to Guardians

    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2) - like Jeffries as more of a supporting character. Loved loved loved how John Byrne used him.
    Major Mapleleaf - die, die
    Manbot - don't hate me. My favourite form Volume 2. Gamma Flight
    Martina - core Alphan. I prefer original Marrina to the new angst one. Though I can understand the character development component
    Michael Pointer die die die die die
    Murmur - did not like her. Too similar to Aurora/Persausion
    Nemesis - Like her as a villain. I think villains should be as interesting as the heroes.
    Northstar - Core Alphan. I like him more when writers don't go over the top with his attitude.
    Pathway - Core Beta Flight. Neutral about her.
    Persuasion - Core Beta Flight. Like her but only in small doses
    Puck 1s - Core Alphan. Who doesn't like Puck.
    Puck (Zuzha Yu) - Ugh. Volume 3 again. Not against the idea of Puck 2, or even being the daughter of Puck. But her working in a bar etc was just redux Puck. Boring and unoriginal.

    Radius - annoying. To angst. Bugs me when writers go to angst on characters.
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1) - RIP. One of the best supporting cast members during the Byrne era.
    Sasquatch - Core Alphan. When I think of Alpha Flight. I think Sasquatch. Before issue 1 volume 1 he was every where - Marvel Team Up, Two in one
    Shaman - Core Alphan. Would like to see hime used more solidly in other books. Crystal last issue type stuff

    Smart Alec - Core Omega Flight. Leader of Omega Flight.
    Snowbird - Core Alphan. She was my least favourite of the original Alpha. I thought it was between her and one of the twins to be the that dies in issue 12 One Shall Surely Die

    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter) na
    St. Elmo - Would like to see St. Elmo return in a future Alpha story.
    Stitch - Interesting character. Would be a good story arc. i'd keep her around in Dept H
    Talisman - Leader Omega Flight
    U.S.Agent - na
    Vindicator (Mac) - Leader Alpha Flight.
    Wild Child - Core Omega Flight. Why did the writers turn most of the good Alpha villains into heroes?
    Windshear - okay guy. Guest appearances
    Yukon Jack - die, die,

    My two cents
    You are witnessing the death of a dream...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    The original "evil" Omega Flight team had a lot of stand out characters. And Diamond Lil was one, that later on in the series, got some development - and I really liked her character.

    I agree. The breast cancer story arc was great.
    You are witnessing the death of a dream...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    I agree. The breast cancer story arc was great.
    Cancer part sucks. Story telling was great
    You are witnessing the death of a dream...

  6. #6


    Aurora - great and original character, but often mishandled.
    Beta Ray Bill - I liked him back in the day but not as a member of AF.
    Centennial - Eh.
    Diamond Lil - so much untapped potential but I read that she was killed off.
    Earth Mover - not familiar but sounds lame from what I've read.
    Feedback - only a vague memory.
    Flex - don't know anything about this character.
    Ghost Girl - don't know anything about this character.
    Goblyn - truthfully, I only like her as a foil to further develop Laura Dean.
    Groundhog - eh.
    Guardian (Heather) - BEST Alphan ever.
    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2) - really liked him.
    Major Mapleleaf - character had potential.
    Manbot - don't know anything about this character.
    Marrina - good character that sadly gets mishandled more often than Aurora.
    Michael Pointer - don't know anything about this character.
    Murmur - don't know anything about this character.
    Nemesis - I only liked the original.
    Northstar - like Aurora, a classic.
    Pathway - so much untapped potential for development.
    Persuasion - always loved this character. Kara was atrociously handled in that last AF series.
    Puck 1s - the original, especially as written by Byrne was great.
    Puck (Zuzha Yu) - eh.
    Radius - don't know anything about this character.
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1) - good character and good story arch.
    Sasquatch - classic, even if some artists are clueless in rendering his physicality.
    Shaman - classic but I hated his stint as "Talisman".
    Smart Alec - eh.
    Snowbird - classic and amazing if often mishandled.
    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter) - I only know her from the old days and see no logic in her being in a Canadian team.
    St. Elmo - eh.
    Stitch - eh.
    Talisman - great character with untapped potential.
    U.S.Agent - no, not for a Canadian team.
    Vindicator (Mac) - I actually 100% agreed with Byrne's decision to kill him off. He should have stayed dead.
    Wild Child - only like him as a villain but annoyed by the Wolverine knockoff qualities.
    Windshear - he had potential.
    Yukon Jack - no, just no.

  7. #7


    Going to take a brief approach. I may come back to it later:

    I'm not going to include Beta Ray Bill, Spider-Woman or US Agent as I don't really count them.

    Feedback, Ghost Girl, Groundhog and Manbot didn't really enough have time/characterization for me to judge them.

    Centennial, MMLJ and Puck II are probably my least favourite characters on the list.

    Puck, Sasquatch, Wild Child are my favourites.

  8. #8
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    London, Ontario


    Aurora - I liked her, though I absolutley hated when she toyed with Bochs. probably only one who holds this opinion but I think she was best written in vol 4
    Beta Ray Bill - Honestly no barely anything about him
    Centennial - Liked his attitude, but hated there was no explanation how he got his powers.
    Diamond Lil - really liked this character, and thought her breast cancer story arc was really well done.
    Earth Mover - Played for my favorite hockey team,the Edmonton Oilers. Bout all I can say about him.
    Feedback - only a vague memory.
    Flex - basically Yankee in comic form.
    Ghost Girl - hated this character. Didn't think anybody was demanding moaning myrtle to appear in Alpha Flight.
    Goblyn - wanted her to be so much more than she ended up being. Thought she was treated way too often as the teams wild dog
    Groundhog - meh
    Guardian (Heather) - Liked her during all of the Byrne arc, bits of the mantalo arc (outside of the period where she only cared about keeping Madison safe instead of the rest of the team), loved the niceza arc. Generally great leader
    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2) - Liked his growth under mantalo immensely.
    Major Mapleleaf - Loved this guy immensly and thought his wash from firefly personality shine through, not a fan of how much slapstick he did, but that was the writers fault
    Manbot - irrelevant
    Marrina - good character. I feel Byrne dropped the ball by never having her interact with her family ever again, particularly Dan. To be honest I would have much rather had him get in a relationship with Marrina instead of Namor. Namor pretty much declared it love at first sight, as trope in any medium that makes me nauseous. Dan had been her best friends since they were babies and Byrne even acknowledged Dan had intentse romantic feelings for her.
    Michael Pointer - I actually like the concept of his character quite a lot and I feel he is as just as much a victim of the collective as alpha flight was. However, it was minddumbingly stupid to put him in alpha flight.
    Murmur - auroras worst qualities turned up to eleven.
    Nemesis - Only liked her in the two deadly Ernest stories. After that she was an idiot as leader of gamma flight and a further idiot in volume 3
    Northstar - classic, but was not a fan when his self centeredness bordered on the cruel (ie calling Bochs a cripple and saying they had given the position of leader to heather solely out of pity)
    Pathway - my major irk with her has nothing to do with her, but how the writers portrayed her. Initially I felt it interesting and way ahead of its time that they were having an autistic superhero. I Have Aspergers which is on the autistic spectrum. But then they all of a sudden they decide to either a.) forget the fact/retcon her to not be autistic or b.) have her be "cured" through the familial bond she has formed with Alpha Flight. If that's the case, that is a huge slap in the face to those with autistic families "oh they can eventually come out of their shell and talk, you just aren't loving them enough for them to do so."
    Persuasion - always hated this character. Go away
    Puck 1s - the original, especially as written by Byrne was great.
    Puck (Zuzha Yu) - loved every aspect of this character just wish she and her father had spent more time together
    Radius - north stars worst qualities turned up to eleven.
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1) - good character and good story arc
    Sasquatch - liked him in every incarnation except volume 3 where he was turned into the dumbest genius in the world,&nbsp;<br>
    Shaman - classic, but I didn't like how writers essentially lumped his medicine man techniques as being used by every single North American native tribe. Thought the guilt arc over his wife's death was well done
    Smart Alec - traitor&nbsp;<br>
    Snowbird - il be honest I was never a fan. I never hated her Perse, just didn't get the hype.
    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter) - another character I barely know
    St. Elmo - great one and done character
    Stitch - untapped potential
    Talisman - great character, although I hated the whole blaming her dad for her moms death. Especially holding on to that grudge into her adult years.
    U.S.Agent - no, not for a Canadian team.
    Vindicator (Mac) - I actually 100% agreed with Byrne's decision to kill him off. He should have stayed dead. Amen
    Wild Child - go away
    Windshear - he had potential.
    Yukon Jack - meh
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  9. #9


    RE: Diamond Lil

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    I agree. The breast cancer story arc was great.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Cancer part sucks. Story telling was great
    I agree - that was such a fantastic story. (And the fact that it was Cancer - something so... human... and the fact that her diamond hard skin would prevent them from being able to do normal surgery). I thought that was a great twist.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Aurora - Core Alphan . I like her more as wild and carefree Aurora, as opposed to the split personality Aurora. I think the crazy Aurora was over done - liked in in the Weapons X series.
    Yes, that was the downside. While I appreciated the idea of Split Personality - after awhile, other writers, that's ALL they focused on. Was the fact that she was "crazy" rather than trying to use the two personalities she had been developed with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Diamond Lil - Core Omega Flight. Loved her as a villain, which they should have kept her as.
    I think what happens is sometimes writers get a good idea for a character, and they bring them over to the hero side to tell it. Because, I don't think her breast cancer story would have ever gotten told, otherwise. And I thought that was a great moment of development for her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Groundhog - My favourite of the First Flight line up. I'd make him part of Department H
    Okay, you gotta tell me what stuck out about Groundhog.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Puck (Zuzha Yu) - Ugh. Volume 3 again. Not against the idea of Puck 2, or even being the daughter of Puck. But her working in a bar etc was just redux Puck. Boring and unoriginal.
    Aw man, I liked it! It'd make sense that someone - as well traveled - as Puck was, may have had an offspring he wasn't aware of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    Snowbird - Core Alphan. She was my least favourite of the original Alpha. I thought it was between her and one of the twins to be the that dies in issue 12 One Shall Surely Die
    We couldn't disagree more, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill P View Post
    St. Elmo - Would like to see St. Elmo return in a future Alpha story.
    Didn't he die? (Not that it means anything in comics...)

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Aurora - great and original character, but often mishandled.
    By often, you mean almost always?

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Beta Ray Bill - I liked him back in the day but not as a member of AF.
    Same, though, I admit, I was happy to see BRB in a title.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Diamond Lil - so much untapped potential but I read that she was killed off.
    Supposedly in Weapon X, but I believe that was retconned, because Random (of X-Factor) was with her when she supposedly "died" - and he's turned up since.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Guardian (Heather) - BEST Alphan ever.
    Best? Of them all? Okay, I have to hear why!

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Marrina - good character that sadly gets mishandled more often than Aurora.
    Especially her fate in Avengers...

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Sasquatch - classic, even if some artists are clueless in rendering his physicality.
    That is such a pet peeve of mine, when artists draw him all wonky.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Shaman - classic but I hated his stint as "Talisman".

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr74 View Post
    Vindicator (Mac) - I actually 100% agreed with Byrne's decision to kill him off. He should have stayed dead.
    Really? I thought that was such a bad move and left the book in an odd state.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Aurora - I liked her, though I absolutley hated when she toyed with Bochs. probably only one who holds this opinion but I think she was best written in vol 4
    Well, it seemed she did that, more than anything, to annoy her brother.
    Doesn't justify it by ANY means.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Diamond Lil - really liked this character, and thought her breast cancer story arc was really well done.
    I think that was her defining moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Guardian (Heather) - Liked her during all of the Byrne arc, bits of the mantalo arc (outside of the period where she only cared about keeping
    Madison safe instead of the rest of the team), loved the niceza arc. Generally great leader
    Other than when she murders her team mates. (Just kidding!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Marrina - good character. I feel Byrne dropped the ball by never having her interact with her family ever again, particularly Dan. To be honest I would have much rather had him get in a relationship with Marrina instead of Namor. Namor pretty much declared it love at first sight, as trope in any medium that makes me nauseous. Dan had been her best friends since they were babies and Byrne even acknowledged Dan had intentse romantic feelings for her.
    Yes, I thought that was odd as well. I thought that was the groundwork that he was laying, was that she and Dan (though I couldn't remember his name till you mentioned it), were going to try and make things work - and I figured there'd be this oddness of how she can't go out in public without being stared at, and such - the typically drama, that Byrne was creating with all his characters when he started the series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Murmur - auroras worst qualities turned up to eleven.
    That is perhaps the best description of her - ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Pathway - my major irk with her has nothing to do with her, but how the writers portrayed her. Initially I felt it interesting and way ahead of its time that they were having an autistic superhero. I Have Aspergers which is on the autistic spectrum. But then they all of a sudden they decide to either a.) forget the fact/retcon her to not be autistic or b.) have her be "cured" through the familial bond she has formed with Alpha Flight. If that's the case, that is a huge slap in the face to those with autistic families "oh they can eventually come out of their shell and talk, you just aren't loving them enough for them to do so."
    That is an amazingly solid good point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Snowbird - il be honest I was never a fan. I never hated her Perse, just didn't get the hype.
    (Mumble, grumble!) LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    Vindicator (Mac) - I actually 100% agreed with Byrne's decision to kill him off. He should have stayed dead. Amen
    Am I alone in thinking this was - yes, a great story - but, put the book in an odd state.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Going to take a brief approach. I may come back to it later:
    I'm not going to include Beta Ray Bill, Spider-Woman or US Agent as I don't really count them.
    Feedback, Ghost Girl, Groundhog and Manbot didn't really enough have time/characterization for me to judge them.
    Centennial, MMLJ and Puck II are probably my least favourite characters on the list.
    Puck, Sasquatch, Wild Child are my favourites.
    Yeah, but Manbot was horrible.

    And I would have never guessed Puck was a favorite of yours.

  14. #14
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post

    Am I alone in thinking this was - yes, a great story - but, put the book in an odd state.
    I'd say yes and no. Yes because it was macs team and to lose him so early, particularly with not much emphasis on Heather it left the team rudderless for a bit too long. Didn't help that in the time between Mac dying and Heather properly becoming leader ie vindicator Byrne was gone and Mantalo was in. No because in my opinion eventually Heathers role became secure enough. Now oddly as much as I think Mac should have remained dead, I really liked how Niceza brought him back and and had the whole man vs machine dynamic, and by the time he killed Mac off again, it had further cemented heathers place as leader. Now on a completely random note, I'm reading world war wendigo atm and in it Puck and Talisman are a couple (not a spoiler as it has nothing to do with the plot ). I'll be honest . . . Those two being together really makes my head spin.
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Okay, Tawmis, you're making me figure stuff out about myself! How dare you?!

    Namely, just how much my feelings about the characters are tied in to when they first appeared.
    Also, I'm not going go through each... I should already be in bed.

    Byrne's characters:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Diamond Lil
    Guardian (Heather)
    Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2)
    Roger Bochs (aka Box 1)
    Smart Alec
    Vindicator (Mac)
    Wild Child
    The originals and bests. I loved them when Byrne created them and wrote them - though none survived his loss intact.
    His Nemesis is probably my all-time favourite character - just from that one issue (not counting Mantlo's version).
    I loved the way he wrote Wild Child; somebody who came across as a cheap knock-off of Wolverine, but with a very erudite way of speaking; somebody who looked weird, but not comic-book weird: real world weird. (This was before somebody decided that people who read stories about guys who fly must want ultra-realism above all, and everything was 'realistic'.)

    The original team... Love 'em.
    I loved Snowbird's power-set, though not her origins.

    Puck... who doesn't like Puck?

    Non-Byrne v1:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I like these guys, too, though not all the same. The Goblyn/Pathway duo appeals to me (and I named my cat Goblyn); the quietness of Pathway (who, by the way, was my introduction to autism - when I first read her, I thought it was just a personality trait).
    I like Persuasion, too; a strong young woman who has the good idea to go punk to disguise her change in skin tone.

    First Flight:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    St. Elmo
    I liked the street-level world weary 'real' character of Groundhog.
    St. Elmo... Sooo Brian Blessed!
    Stitch I just liked as a quiet wallflower-type. (Though by then I think I knew what autistic really meant.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Ghost Girl
    I loathe v2 with a passion.
    Manbot I don't even consider a character, just a piece of equipment.
    Radius is the 'cool jerk*' type, from when that was popular. For me, characters like that are only the second half.
    Flex was the only one of them I could even stand. I liked the dichotomy of that personality with those powers.
    The others were just forgettable. (I can picture Murmur in my mind, at least. Can't picture Ghost Girl.)

    *self-edited for language

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Major Mapleleaf
    Puck (Zuzha Yu)
    Yukon Jack
    Centennial I liked as a father figure type. YJ, see 'Radius'. The others, I didn't. I didn't take to this new Nemesis who was nothing like the first - and yet we're told to believe she was the same character (not on-panel, thank God). (She's okay, but nothing like 'my' Nemesis.)
    I liked Thunder better than Mapleleaf. Puck I have mixed feelings about, but overall, just bleh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Beta Ray Bill
    Michael Pointer
    Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter)
    Julia Carpenter has that cool, mysterious, Spider-Woman mystique - but it didn't come in to play much here.
    U.S. Agent had no business being on a Canadian team, and it was a slap in the face to all us damn far'ners that he was forced there.

    Don't get me started on Michael Pointer... He would share my first name!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Earth Mover
    Mostly forgettable, but could have been cool if he'd appeared more. Marvel has few legacy characters, it would've been nice to have one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    (Michael Pointer) I liked his story in that title (forgot what what it was? Marvel Tales or something?)
    Marvel Comics Presents v2.

    ~ Le Messor

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